Archive: Reflections
358 Articles
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- Reflections
GUB4C Fishbowl Experience
Is there a right way to worship? Am I the only one that struggles with my religious identity? Does anyone else have problems navigating college and faith? What does he/she think…
July 26, 2016
- Reflections
A Small Reminder of God’s Presence
I was uncertain about what I would get out of the Prayer in Daily Life Retreat . The thought of spending four days with just me and God, in what appeared to be silence, seemed…
July 26, 2016
- News
- Reflections
Tragedy Calls Us to Be ‘People for Others’
This summer, we have been in frequent mourning for tragedies wrought upon our human family. The news seems to be full of incidents and actions of mistrust, misunderstanding, and…
July 15, 2016
- Reflections
A Call for Solidarity
Dear Members of the Georgetown Community: In our distress at the fatal shootings of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Sherman Evans and the Police Officers in Dallas last,…
July 8, 2016
- Reflections
Our Interfaith Response to the Mass Shooting in Orlando
Friends, We are a people in mourning as the deep wounds of hate confront us again. Tragically, in the midst of a month designated for unity—throughout which the LGBTQ community…
June 13, 2016
- Reflections
Building Inclusivity On the Hilltop
I came to Georgetown anticipating to be on a campus where social life revolved around clubs and activities that were not necessarily exclusive. Yet this expectation was shaken…
April 27, 2016
- Reflections
Wrestling with the Discomfort of “The Middle”
For the past few months, I have been working with a group of Georgetown University students on a theatre production about some of the national controversies that have taken place…
April 21, 2016
- Programs
- Reflections
Leave Your Labels at the Door: My Thoughts on “God & Country”
Christianity. Islam. Republicans. Democrats. Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter. These terms have become packed and charged and far too often, turned into black or white. …
April 4, 2016
- Reflections
Why You Should Agree Before You Disagree
During the opening of the DC: Interfaith Conference, one of the coordinators stated that interfaith work brings people from darkness, or misunderstanding, to light. This light,…
April 1, 2016
- Reflections
Fear: The Root of Hatred and Great Enemy of Community
I’ve been hearing the word “hate” a lot lately. It’s not a new concept. Though one may try and protect the unconditional loving innocence of a child,…
March 15, 2016