
Diverse Voices Come Together in Ecumenical Music Retreat

Christian Music RetreatThis September at the Calcagnini Contemplative Center, the Georgetown University Chapel Choir, 7:30 Contemporary Choir, Gospel Choir, and Praise Band came together for the first ever Christian Music Retreat. Born out of a desire for ecumenical understanding and love of music, the choirs came together for a weekend of worship, fellowship, and song. Sean Viscount, student co-director of the Chapel Choir, said, “I loved to opportunity meet other Christian groups on campus and learn about their unique traditions. In hearing their methods of worship and analyzing my own throughout the weekend, I gained a greater appreciation for the ability of the rhythm and harmony within music to facilitate a more passionate and deeper connection to my faith.”

It was not all about the music though. Students explored the hiking trails and tangled themselves up in an effort to unravel the human knot. Saturday night closed with a musical movie and experiments with oreo s’mores. On Sunday morning, Rev. Bryant Oskvig and Father Greg Schenden led the students in a discussion about the role of music in worship. “Worship is not an easy topic to discuss,” said Rev. Kevin Wright, “but I was impressed by the candor and maturity of the students as they shared insights they had gleaned from their personal and past experiences. The retreat provided a moment to share about our hopes and dreams forhow the various Christian worshipping communities at Georgetwn might perform their roles more faithfully and with greater creativity and collaboration.”

Christian Music Retreat 2More photos from the retreat may be found on our Facebook page: Georgetown University Campus Ministry. The Chapel Choir and 7:30 Contemporary Choir worship every Sunday at mass in Dahlgren Chapel under the direction of Dr. James Wickman, Director of Music, Liturgy, and Catholic Life. The Gospel Choir, under the direction of Phillip Carter, provides music at the 5:30 PM Gospel worship service in St. William Chapel, followed by the Praise Band, directed by Rev. Kevin Wright, at the 8 PM Contemporary Praise Service. The groups will be performing together for the Lessons and Carols service on December 5 at Trinity Church.

Tori Savage , Assistant Director for Ecumenical Christian Life
