

Sandwiches: Georgetown Students of Many Backgrounds Working Together for Others

SandwichesIn fall of 2012 some student members of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) determined that they wanted to do something “hands on” for the local community.  With help from the Georgetown Protestant Chaplaincy they were connected to Georgetown Area Ministries, a homeless shelter in Georgetown which provides shelter and meals.  Many people might be unaware, or even imagine that such an entity exists in Georgetown, but it does.  So one day on a Tuesday after the Orthodox Christian Vespers service a group gathered in one of the student’s campus apartments to make sandwiches.  “Sandwiches” is now the term coined for this activity.  “Will you be able to come to ‘Sandwiches’ tonight?” is what people ask each other.   Students themselves researched the guidelines – naturally there were sanitary procedures that had to be followed, etc.  From the very first “Sandwiches” it was clear that this was not just an OCF activity.  Student’s roommates and friends came who had no connection to the OCF officially and all showed sincere enthusiasm to do something for the community in which they live while at Georgetown.   

In the beginning it was imagined that this might be once a month gathering – we didn’t want to start something that we could not keep going.    However, the student fervor for “Sandwiches” was not to be held back.   It almost immediately became a WEEKLY activity!  More and more Campus Ministry groups heard of “Sandwiches” and wanted to participate.  Very quickly “Sandwiches” outgrew the student apartment in which it had started and a larger campus space was found.  Funding came and continues to come from donations from the students themselves and from GU Campus Ministry.  “Sandwiches” now produces 250 sandwiches a week!  Students transport the sandwiches to the shelter themselves.  At the end of the 2012-2013 academic year a gathering was held on campus to thank those who had participated in “Sandwiches”.  Staff from Georgetown Area Ministries spoke as well as residents from the shelter.   

Students participating now in “Sandwiches” come from, but are not limited to the following student groups: Knights of ColumbusCatholic DaughtersMuslim Student AssociationJewish Student Association, various Protestant Student groupsOrthodox Christian Fellowship and Georgetown students who just come on their own.  Where else but Georgetown!!!???  HOYA SAXA!!!

V. Rev. Constantine White , Director of Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy

Orthodox Christian
Student Organizations