
Solidarity in Action

“How can we use the example of Pope Francis to integrate solidarity and spirituality” was the topic of discussion during John Carr’s talk on “Solidarity in Action.” Throughout his talk, John Carr emphasized how we Christians are called to immerse ourselves fully to working for the common good by caring for the poor whom we often neglect and also for those close to us.

As John continued in his discussion, one part of his talk resonated with me; he began talking about mission statements. After elaborating on the importance of mission statements as forming the core values of organizations, John pointed towards the mission statement of Georgetown University. As a current student, I recalled the last time I read Georgetown’s mission statement, about two years ago before applying to this college. As John posted the statement on the screen for us to read, I was suddenly reminded as to why I chose to attend Georgetown. The mission statement read, “Georgetown provides . . . education in the Jesuit tradition for the glory of God and the well-being of humankind.”

As college tends to overemphasize the importance of grades or coveted internship positions, I easily forget what a true Georgetown education calls me to do. At the end of the day, when there are no more blue books to fill out or case projects to turn in, I am called to do good. GPA and grades are not my ends, though many times they appear to be. I must look beyond them time and time again and ask myself what I can do to spread the glory of God to those who need it. What can I do to be a Hoya?

Christopher San Juan , MSB ’17

