Finding Grace–for Herself and Others–in Event Organization
By Julia Vaughan (C ’27)

Biviana Flores (C’24)
Having grown up in a highly homogenous, Catholic community, Biviana Flores (C’24) has found a deep appreciation for the diversity of religious experiences that she’s been exposed to during her time at Georgetown. From working on the board of Women in Faith, Georgetown’s female-centered interfaith club, to managing events for the holy days of various faith traditions, Biviana has come to understand the variety of spiritual experiences that exist throughout, and within, various faith traditions. For two years, Biviana worked as a member of the hospitality team for Campus Ministry, and in her senior year, she was promoted to team lead, all while pursuing a Major in Linguistics and a double minor in Cognitive Science and Spanish in the College of Arts & Sciences.
In her role, she has helped arrange and manage many Campus Ministry events, including Campus Ministry’s signature weekly event, Chaplains’ Tea, where Biviana is making sure everything goes smoothly.
Back when she first started on the hospitality team, Biviana experienced her share of trials and errors. She remembers one-time answering calls on the Campus Ministry office phone when a call needed to be transferred to another office. Biviana told the caller she would transfer them, but after she pushed the button, she realized she had abruptly hung up on them. She said she felt terrible at the time. But while it might have been awkward in the moment, Biviana likes re-telling this story, especially when training new hires, to emphasize the importance of having grace with oneself and allowing for the inevitable mistakes you’ll make.

Biviana (center) at Chaplains’ Tea with Campus Ministry staff, Becky Hay (left), Courtney Henderson-Adams (right).
The multi-faith context of Campus Ministry has helped prepare her for future professional pursuits, she says, as she has learned how to interact among various departments, cultures, regulations, and practices. Working on the hospitality team has required precise logistical skills and given her a base of knowledge in the traditions of many faiths and cultures. But deeper than that, it has cultivated an understanding of the significance of these traditions, and what they mean to their practitioners.
As graduation approaches and she reflects on her time, Biviana hopes that her fellow Hoyas know that, when it comes to Campus Ministry events, they are always organized by someone who cares. For every event, there was someone behind the scenes who was genuinely putting care and hard work into its success. She would encourage future students not to be afraid to go to Campus Ministry events, especially those that seem out of their comfort zone. “Go to a religious service that’s not part of your background and listen. Try to understand. You never know what you might learn,” she says. Great advice!
Julia Vaughan (C ’27) is a communications assistant for Campus Ministry.