Archive: Interfaith

84 Articles


Georgetown’s Muslim Life Tackles the Misconceptions and Frequently Asked Questions About Islam

The “Fighting Stereotypes: Frequently Asked Questions about Islam” event was one of the most interesting events I have attended so far in Georgetown. Debunking stereotypes…

October 6, 2016


Georgetown University Chaplains Reflect on Jesuit Values at New Student Orientation

Moderating the inaugural “NSO Jesuit Values Panel” was a very special honor for me. After all, who wouldn’t want to hang out with our amazing chaplains? But apart from, …

October 4, 2016


ESCAPE: A 26-Year Tradition

“What is ESCAPE?” It is a 26-Year Tradition. ESCAPE, a 27-hour Overnight Retreat Experience that is exclusively available to first-year and Transfer students, was the most…

September 26, 2016


Inspired to Create a New Podcast Initiative: Here Comes “Hilltop Chats”

It was June 10, 2015 and my girlfriend and I were returning from a post-graduation vacation to the Dominican Republic when I received the phone call. It was Dr. James Wickman…

September 26, 2016


A Lesson in Hope In Becraft’s Story: Part of the “As This Jesuit Sees It” Series

Written by Rev. Matthew Carnes, S.J., Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Latin American Studies. This article originally appeared on September 16, in the Hoya…

September 16, 2016


Georgetown Appoints First Director for Hindu Life and First Hindu Priest Chaplain in United States

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan as Georgetown’s first full-time Director for Hindu Life and the first Hindu priest chaplain in the…

August 8, 2016


Feeling at Home with Strangers: Interfaith Iftar in DC

Walking shyly into the back room of the Potter’s House, I had no idea what to expect from my first iftar. Interfaith work was certainly my bread and butter, and though I prayed…

July 27, 2016


A Pentecostal Prays The Exercises

Having been raised in an Assemblies of God church since birth, having an encounter with God through prayer was nothing new. Sunday nights were spent around the church altar…

July 27, 2016


Spending Time with HIM: Reflections from the Sisters and Daughters Retreat

When I received an email stating that there was more space available for the GU Sisters and Catholic Daughters Retreat, I really considered it.  Initially I had not considered…

July 26, 2016


Tragedy Calls Us to Be ‘People for Others’

This summer, we have been in frequent mourning for tragedies wrought upon our human family. The news seems to be full of incidents and actions of mistrust, misunderstanding, and…

July 15, 2016