Archive: Interfaith

84 Articles


A Call for Solidarity

Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:   In our distress at the fatal shootings of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Sherman Evans and the Police Officers in Dallas last,…

July 8, 2016


Our Interfaith Response to the Mass Shooting in Orlando

Friends, We are a people in mourning as the deep wounds of hate confront us again. Tragically, in the midst of a month designated for unity—throughout which the LGBTQ community…

June 13, 2016


Wrestling with the Discomfort of “The Middle”

For the past few months, I have been working with a group of Georgetown University students on a theatre production about some of the national controversies that have taken place…

April 21, 2016


Why You Should Agree Before You Disagree

During the opening of the DC: Interfaith Conference, one of the coordinators stated that interfaith work brings people from darkness, or misunderstanding, to light. This light,…

April 1, 2016


Fear: The Root of Hatred and Great Enemy of Community

I’ve been hearing the word “hate” a lot lately. It’s not a new concept. Though one may try and protect the unconditional loving innocence of a child,…

March 15, 2016


Dietary Restrictions Bring Jewish and Muslim Students Together

For students with religious dietary obligations, be they kosher, halal, or religious vegetarians, going to college can be difficult. Most schools require students to purchase a…

March 14, 2016


Finding God in Gaston Hall

There are certain moments in life when you look around and the presence of God just makes itself so abundantly clear. Jesuit Heritage Week opening mass was most definitely one of…

February 18, 2016


Connecting Power Back to Mercy

What do an imam, a rabbi, and a catholic chaplain have in common? At first thought, the answer seems like it may take a while to find. The answer becomes even more challenging…

February 17, 2016


Love Drives Out Fear, Not People

Syria, Afghanistan, and Somalia: three countries with majority Muslim populations were the top three countries of origin for refugees in 2014. Russia, Germany, and the United…

February 16, 2016


Reflection, Leadership, and the “Cupid Shuffle”

There is something about the “Cupid Shuffle” which has a remarkable way of bringing people together. I sat in the Arrupe Community Room during the Campus Ministry Student…

February 12, 2016