Archive: Arts

17 Articles


Let the Music Capture You

Eva Lucchino is a junior in the college majoring in English and minoring in History and Theology. What does it mean to you to be a cantor? Ever since I was a little kid I have…

November 14, 2017


The Intersection of Music and Shabbat

In my four years as the music leader for the Georgetown Jewish community, I have seen Jewish life grow and prosper. Our Shabbat attendance has quadrupled, from 15-20 people to -…

January 9, 2017


Wrestling with the Discomfort of “The Middle”

For the past few months, I have been working with a group of Georgetown University students on a theatre production about some of the national controversies that have taken place…

April 21, 2016


Leave Your Labels at the Door: My Thoughts on “God & Country”

Christianity. Islam. Republicans. Democrats. Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter. These terms have become packed and charged and far too often, turned into black or white. …

April 4, 2016


God & Country to Begin Performances at St. William Chapel in April

March 21, 2016 – Georgetown University’s Protestant Ministry and the Working Group for Slavery, Memory and Reconciliation will sponsor a new play written and directed by Rev.…

March 22, 2016


Remembering Fr. Rick Curry, S.J.

It was a typical Sunday evening in Dahlgren Chapel, the Chapel Choir was busy rehearsing for the 9:30pm Mass, and student coordinators were preparing for the liturgy. As I was…

February 26, 2016


Finding God in Gaston Hall

There are certain moments in life when you look around and the presence of God just makes itself so abundantly clear. Jesuit Heritage Week opening mass was most definitely one of…

February 18, 2016


And the Glory was Revealed

On December 4th, I stood up on the altar of Holy Trinity Church along with my fellow members of the Chapel Choir and members of the Dahlgren Contemporary Choir and Gospel Choir…

February 4, 2016


Catching the Holy Spirit

I have attended Georgetown for the past seven semesters, and I’ve had the privilege of being a member of the Gospel choir for every single semester. In this time period, I…

January 21, 2016


Diverse Voices Come Together in Ecumenical Music Retreat

This September at the Calcagnini Contemplative Center, the Georgetown University Chapel Choir, 7:30 Contemporary Choir, Gospel Choir, and Praise Band came together for the first…

October 24, 2014